Edgar the Janitor

These are model sheets are a playblast of a model.

Meet Edgar the Janitor, who is in his mid 70's and has worked as a janitor at the same elementary school for over 40 years. He enjoys his job and likes the children. Even though he has a stern look, he has a gentle heart. He always brings candy with him and shares it with the children that pass him by. Egar also likes to have everything squeaky clean and suffers from mild OCD. When overcome with OCD, he becomes a cranky old man, but as soon as things are cleaned up, he returns back to his kind personality.

Spoznajte Edgarja, hisnika, v svojih 70-ih letih. Ze vec kot 40 let dela kot hisnik v isti osnovni soli. V svoji sluzbi uziva in ima rad otroke. Ceprav ima oster pogled, ima zelo nezno srce. S seboj vedno prinese kaksne bonbone in jih deli z otroki, ki gredo mimo njega. Prav tako ima rad vse blescece cisto in trpi za obsesivno-kompulzivno motnjo. Ce se motnji prepusti (kadar otroci umazejo hodnik ali kaj podobnega), postane siten stari dedek. Takoj, ko pa so stvari spet ciste, se spremeni nazaj v tistega prijaznega hisnika, ki ga vsi poznajo.


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