Angry employee

Have you ever worked at a place where you were asked to do something and you really, really worked hard at it? Then when it was almost finished, you were told that it's not needed or a drastic change was made to the order? Unfortunately for this young man, he is experiencing something like that in front of you own eyes...
Ste že kdaj delali v pisarni kjer so vas prosili, da nekaj naredite in ste se res, res za to potrudili? Potem, ko ste pa skoraj dokončali, pa so vam povedali, da tega ne potrebujejo več ali pa je bila dodana naročilu drastična sprememba? Na žalost tega mladeniča, on izkuša ravno to pred vašimi lastnimi očmi...

Angry Employee from Petra Pintar on Vimeo.

P.S. This is basically just a test to see how the animation would go. To je trenutno samo test za potek animacije.


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