Because I love to draw, and because I would love nothing more than create every day, I decided to take an introduction to animation class (I am still trying out this new form of creativity). The class was also a part of my pre-requisites for the animation program. Of course, you have to try it out to see if you even like it. And I do!
The following clip is about a flour sack who wants to get to the other side of the water. Unfortunately, it doesn't make it to the end and it splashes into water. Poor little flour sack... That was the end of it.
Zato ker rada rišem in zato ker bi mi bilo najbolj všeč, če bi lahko ustvarjala vsak dan, sem se odločila, da se vpišem v uvodni predmet animacije (še vedno se učim kako se animacija ustvarja). Predmet je bil prav tako del potrebnih predmetov za program animacije. Seveda mora vsak najprej poizkusiti, če mu je animacija sploh všeč. In meni je zelo!
Naslednji odlomek je vreča moke, ki želi preskočiti na drugo stran vode. Na žalost ji ne uspe in štrbunkne v vodo. Uboga mala vreča moke... To je bil njen konec.
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